05 Jun

The Bridge Posture is an exercise. Many variations of this exercise are employed throughout the world, most commonly the balancing of the body on the hands and the feet. It is intended to improve lower back and gluteus strength. Examples of bridging in sportive or self-defense applications are seen in Kung Fu, Judo, Brazilian jiu jitsu, Capoeira, mixed martial arts, and wrestling. This posture is relatively simple and quite exhilarating. If you find it difficult to hold the lift in your pelvis, slide a block or bolster beneath your sacrum and rest the pelvis on it for support. In contrast, if you are looking to deepen the stretch, lift your heels off the floor once in Bridge Pose and push your tailbone up towards the pubis. Once the tailbone is lifted, stretch the heels back to the floor. Bridge Pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid glands, which improves digestion and helps to regulate metabolism. Because it revitalizes the legs and stretches the shoulders, it can be a particularly rejuvenating pose for those who spend the day sitting in front of a computer or driving. It is also a preparatory pose for Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) and Upward Bow Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana). The bridge is frequently compared to the deadlift in terms of which muscles the exercises work, and as such the bridge could be considered the bodyweight exercise equivalent to the weight training deadlift. Just like its weight training counterpart, the bridge primarily works muscles which are part of the posterior chain, but also many important muscles of the anterior chain. A major difference between these two exercises is that the bridge tends to emphasize the upper, superior portion of the posterior chain, while the deadlift in turn heavily emphasizes the lower, inferior portion of the posterior chain. The following list of muscles only includes the largest and most significant muscles worked in the movement, and is not exhaustive. The bridge pose is a beginner's backbend yoga posture. To enter the bridge pose, lie on the back with knees bent and hands and feet on the mat. Lift the lower back off the ground as high as possible and hold for 10 seconds to one minute. To exit the bridge pose, lower the back to the floor.  한국야동


  1. Stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips
  2. Strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings
  3. Improves circulation of blood
  4. Helps alleviate stress and mild depression
  5. Calms the brain and central nervous system
  6. Stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, and abdominal organs
  7. Improves digestion
  8. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause
  9. Reduces backache and headache
  10. Reduces fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia
  11. Rejuvenates tired legs
  12. Relieves symptoms of asthma and high blood pressure
  13. Therapeutic for hypertension, osteoporosis, and sinusitis
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