Bent Over Row is the go-to exercise for building a big strong back that demands respect. Form on this lift will differ depending on the lifter and style, but those who are serious about their back training typically perform some variation of this movement. Not only does the bent over row increase size and strength of the lats, rhomboids, and traps, but also the erectors, and to some degree, the glutes and hamstrings. When done correctly, it will teach proper hip-hinging mechanics and help protect the lower back, which is a commonly injured area for gym rats. Many powerlifters believe that bent over row variations can transfer favorably to the deadlift. This often leads to a weakness in the lower back – at best causing pain and discomfort, at worst risking serious injury – and the problem is only aggravated if you add further stress on the chest and shoulders with endless pressing exercises.
Weight-training exercises provide an opportunity to elevate fitness levels, contributing to improved health. By providing resistance for muscles to overcome, strength training yields benefits such as increased muscle mass and bone health. This is for good reason. See, the Bent Over Row is so effective because it’s a compound movement which allows the lifter to lift heavy amounts of weight. Now, the only exercise where you may be able to load more weight than the row and target the back muscles is the “Deadlift”. Specific exercises, such as bent-over rows, work several muscle groups, leading to improved muscular strength and endurance. When combined with cardio training and proper nutrition, a leaner, more toned physique is the result. Increased strength means a decreased risk of injury and illness. 한국야동